What is Brand Photography? | Leicester Brand Photography

My Dad was one of the greatest salesmen that I’ve ever met. He worked for the same company for over 40 years and never got bored of driving up and the down the country trying to find his next sale. The reason that I believe that he was successful was that he was a pro at building know, like and trust. Yes, even back in the 70s when he was starting out.

When I was around my daughter’s age, Dad would often take me on the road for the day. I was always amazed at how he could be 100 miles from home and find the tiniest garage in a backstreet of a city that he didn’t know. It was like he had an inbuilt sat nav and he was always home for dinner at 6pm sharp.

How did he do that?

But his real talent was in building relationships with his customers. He worked in engineering and his customers were often bus and haulage companies. As soon as he arrived on site he would greet the security guard at the barrier by his first name. He’d stop and chat to the guys on the workshop floor, popping into the staff room for a cuppa and a chat to who-ever was there - sometimes putting his hand in his pocket for bacon butties.

He would then put on his tie and head to the offices where he would meet the owner and he would know every last detail about him. The names and ages of his kids, where they liked to holiday, what he did in his spare time…people loved him! As a result, the sales just rolled in. He was so close to the staff members that if there was a rumour on the shop floor of a change of supplier, he’d get a call from a mechanic to warn him so that he could get in 1st and rescue the relationship - they didn’t want to lose their bacon butties!

My point being, was that he spent all of his marketing efforts on building know, like and trust, and it paid off.

So many of our relationships are now built without meeting face to face, so getting that sentiment across is now more important than ever.

Yes, it’s terrifying putting yourself out there on the world wide web for all to see. Trust me, I struggle with this big time. In fact, I have a huge internal debate every time I post something thinking What If..? Why would..?

But the fact is, not everybody will like you. And that’s fine.

Because although you may not be everybody’s cup of tea, there will be people who resonate with you completely. And they are the people that you want to work with.

Imagine for a moment, every client that enquires with you is your dream client. They’ve seen enough of you to think, wow, I feel like we have a relationship already. I feel like I know you and I’d love to get to know you better. Imagine receiving enquiries from clients who aren’t even interested in your price - they’ve already decided that they want to work with you. How awesome would that be? How much time would you save?

That’s where having a great set of on-brand images comes in to play. People buy from people that they know, like and trust (and that buy them bacon butties!). Having a great headshot will show your client what you look like but great Brand Photography will tell them so much more.

It’s about telling your story. What are your reasons for doing what you do? What’s your greatest passion? What makes you tick? By giving your clients an insight into how you work they are much more likely to want to work with you.

Using professional photographs to market and advertise your brand positions you as an expert in your field, it gives your business a polished and professional look and reassures your potential clients that you are going to be great to work with.

Personal Brand Photography is a relatively new field, but savvy business owners are realising the importance of having a consistent and honest appearance when it comes to promoting themselves.

In a Brand Photography session, I will help to tell the story of who your brand is; what it’s values are, what it is all about. We want to share images of your brand that will appeal to your ideal clients, showing them how it will feel to use your services, what they can expect so that we can build know, like and trust and so that ultimately, they go on to book your services.

It’s very much about story-telling.

As a Brand Photographer I will tell the story that not only shows your brand’s products and services, or you as the business owner, but images that show the feelings that your brand wants to portray. I will take detail shots, emotive shots, behind the scenes, the full story of who you and your business are.

Whilst I am currently unable to meet you face to face for your photoshoot, I can offer you a free consultation and if you choose to work with me I am providing a drop off service whereby I can photograph your products and flat lays - this will give you content that you can start sharing immediately. There’s also nothing to stop us designing your photoshoot in full so that we can complete it as soon as regulations allow face to face photography again.

I’d love to hear any comments or questions that you may have.

Please do get in contact and if you’d like to see some examples of my work please head over to my website.